Department of Orthodontics
The Department of Orthodontics at BPKIHS is training young aspiring dental graduates to be able to treat common malocclusions and dentofacial deformities pertaining to esthetic, functional and psychological wellbeing of the patients, with responsibility towards the patients as well as the society as a whole, efficiently and ethically. This department trains undergraduate and postgraduate students to work with interdisciplinary coordination to conduct treatment and research. Removable, fixed orthodontic treatment are major arena of patient care, along with fixed and removable Dentofacial orthopedic treatment and myofunctional treatment. Latest advancements like lingual, invisible orthodontics and temporary anchorage devices (mini-implants) are practiced as well. The department is equipped adequately for undergraduate programs and infrastructure for postgraduate course is continuously in process of development. Currently we have total 12 dental chairs with 7 electronic and 5 hydraulic chairs for providing comprehensive orthodontic care.
Undergraduate Training
The undergraduate training program is introduced from 2nd year, which starts with preclinical wire bendings in LABEX (Laboratory Exercise), which is continued throughout the course added up with fabrication of appliances, cephalometric tracings, model analysis and demonstration of different steps of fixed orthodontic treatment. On 3rd year students are introduced to theory and clinical training which continues till 4th year. During the clinical postings, students are trained to take proper history, diagnose the case, make treatment plan, provide treatment to common malocclusions and refer complex malocclusions to specialist. SIS (structured interactive sessions), CLIP (Clinical Posting) are regularly conducted in 5th, 6th, 7th semester, and seminar as well in 8th semester. Internal exams are conducted in 7th and 8th semester and final exam by the end of 4th year.
Postgraduate Training
Two postgraduate students are enrolled in year 2012 who are undergoing extensive training of contemporary orthodontics. Starting with standard edgewise appliance, all major prescriptions and modifications are practiced. Composite cephalometric analysis is done for diagnosis and treatment planning. Myofunctional, dentofacial orthopedics appliances and orthodontic management of craniofacial anomalies are also practiced routinely. Residents are encouraged to understand and practice recent advances by attending conferences and seminars regularly. Thesis is a compulsory partial fulfillment requirement of postgraduate studies. The duration of course is 3 years.
Patient care
All sorts of contemporary orthodontic treatments are provided in the department. Fixed and removable orthodontic treatment are routinely carried out along with dentofacial orthopedic and myofunctional treatment for needful cases. Invisible orthodontics like ceramic, lingual and biostar are practiced as well along with absolute anchorage through mini-implants.
Patient care
1. Fixed orthodontic treatment (lingual, ceramic, labial)
2. Removable orthodontic treatment:
3. Retention Appliances:
4. Repair
5. Functional appliances:
6. Absolute anchorage (TAD)
7. Clear splint (Biostar)
Research is an important aspect where the faculties undertake regular research projects and also encourage students for the same. Local, national and international level researches have been carried out by faculties in the department and the same have been published in reputed national and international journals. Research papers have been presented in various national and global conferences. New inputs from these researches as well as others have always provided resources for evidence-based preventive practices of the department.
Service, education and research being three most important motto of this institute, we are equally focused on research activities. The completed researches in this year are- 1. Translation and Validation of PIDAQ. Dr. Varun Pratap Singh 2. Skeletal, Dental and Soft tissue characteristics of patients with class III malocclusion in mixed dentition period. Dr. Prabhat R. Pokhrel
Email (HOD): [email protected]
Phone : 025-525555 Ext. 9
Fax : 025 - 520251