The DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course) clinic at B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) serves as the main center for Dharan Municipality in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Program, involving the Municipality of Dharan and the District Health Office, Sunsari. This partnership is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of tuberculosis-related complications, along with providing training and supervision to other DOTS sub-centers within Dharan Municipality. Additionally, regular review meetings are conducted between the main center, sub-centers, District Health Office (DHO), and Dharan Municipality to ensure effective coordination and quality care.
DR TB Management Clinic
The DR (Drug-Resistant) TB Management Clinic was established as the main center at BPKIHS in 2064, with three sub-centers located at Siraha District Hospital, Itahari PHC, and Ramnagar Mirchaiya PHC.
Inpatient Hospital Services at BPKIHS
Patient care services furnished by the hospital for the care and treatment of the inpatients at B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) have been and will remain exemplary through the huge infrastructure, ample bed facility, and quality and experienced doctors and staff. Each clinical specialty has its own inpatient ward and a core team of dedicated staff alongside the doctors and nurses. With over 40,000 admissions per year and a bed occupancy rate of nearly 70%, the ward is busy all the time, nevertheless ensuring quality. Residents stay at the wards for patient care, and ward rounds are held twice a day by faculties. Recent updates are always kept in pace while undertaking treatment and patient care, always aiming for the best results. Separate ward blocks for Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, and Maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) are present in BPKIHS, along with a multicomplex for Orthopaedics, ENT, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, and Oral Surgery. There are Intensive Care Units (ICU) for paediatrics (PICU), Neonates (NICU), Maternal (MICU), Deluxe (DICU), and general. Separate Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and Medical ICU also run as Inpatient Services. The Tropical Ward (part of the Medical ward) provides care and treatment for tropical and infectious diseases patients separately.
Institutional Practice
The institution has allowed faculty to practice privately in the institute, without hampering the routine teaching-learning and patient services activities. Paying OPD starts from 3 pm in the afternoon, and Paying OTs have their own time schedules. A separate Paying Ward has also been established for the services of the same.
OPD Services at BPKIHS
Out Patient Department (OPD) Services at BPKIHS run daily from Sundays to Thursdays (Full time) and on Fridays (half day). The OPD runs for half a day on selected Public Holidays too. Patients get services through General OPD and Special OPD at BPKIHS. Patients get comprehensive care at the general OPD and are referred to special OPD if specialized care is needed. Special OPD comprises of all major and minor departmental services including services from the Dental College. Super-speciality services are also run by departments.
OT and Minor Procedure Services
OT services (major, intermediate, minor, and day-care OT services) are provided by the department of General Surgery under Gastrointestinal surgery, Open Urology, Pediatric surgery, Neurosurgery, Endourology surgery, and Laparoscopy Surgery. Major Operations are performed in ten sessions in major OT and 4 sessions per week in day care OT. Laparoscopic surgeries are routine in this institute and laparoscopic and lap assisted surgeries are becoming more common now. Endourology services are now in full swing with procedures like: cystoscopy, optical internal urethrotomy, TURBT, TURP, Ureteroscopy, and Intra-corporal shock wave lithotripsy (ICSWL). Minor OT procedures under the department of Dermatology are skin biopsies, electrocautery, molluscum needling, pairing, intralesional steroid, chemical peeling/cautery, slit skin smear for AFB, comedone extraction, radiocautery, CO2 laser, podophylline application, nail avulsion/biopsy, patch and photopatch test, KOH mounting, PUVA/NB-PUVA, dressing, vitiligo surgery, etc.
Cardiology Services
Cardiology services provided are ECG, TMT, ABPM, Holter, ECHO, Coronary Angiography, Coronary Angiography + Angioplasty, Renal Angiography, PTMC, PPI, TPI, TPI + PPI, Pericardiocentesis, etc. Endoscopy and Colonoscopy are performed under Gastro-hepatology services. Peritoneocentesis, pleural fluid tappings, Bronchoscopy, and PFTs are performed routinely. Dialysis Services (Peritoneal and Hemodialysis) are also done routinely.
Eye and ENT Services
Departments of Eye and ENT routinely perform various minor procedures along with major surgeries. Some of them being SICS + PIOL, ECCE +IOL, Phacoemulsification, Cataract surgery, DCR, Penetrating Keratoplasty, Amniotic Membrane transplantation, Orbitomy, eyelid reconstruction, contracted socket, enucleation, evisceration, Contact Lens application, YAG laser, Oculoplasties, Chalazion, and stye removal etc under Ophthalmology surgeries whereas syringing, cautery for epistaxis, foreign body removal from ENT, tissue and structures repair, tonsillectomy, FESS, myringotomy, and myringoplasty, etc. under ENT Department. Electroconvulsion Therapy (ECT) is routinely performed by the Psychiatry department.
Radiology and Laboratory Services
Radio-diagnostic services at BPKIHS run through advanced digital radiological equipment. Services provided include digital X-rays, Mammogram, IVU, MCU/RGU, Venogram, Barium Studies, T-tube cholangiogram, Sinogram, Fistulogram, HSG, USG, CT Scan, MRI, Sialogram, and Doppler services. Fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer (Roche Hitachi Cobas C3-11) has been installed in CLS for routine chemistry tests, therapeutic drug monitoring, and immunoassay. Biochemical tests like TFT, TSH, fT3, fT4, PSA, PRL, LH, FSH, CA-125, B-HCG, ANA, DNA, ADA, Hb-F, Hb electrophoresis, serum electrophoresis, etc. are provided by the biochemistry department alongside routine biochemistry lab services.
Microbiology and Immunology Services
In the laboratory, through the department of Microbiology, various bacteriological, parasitological, mycological, mycobacterial, and serological tests are done along with the CD4 count service. Culture sensitivity, staining procedures, Microscopy, Stool occult blood, Blood for Malaria parasites (PS and QBC), and microfilaria, Bone marrow/splenic aspirate for LD bodies, Optimal, rk39, DAT, and a wide range of immunological services for different diseases are performed.
Histopathology, Cytopathology, and Hematology
Histopathology, Cytopathology (FNAC/USG Guided FNAC/CT guided FNAC/PAP Smears/Fluids/Sutum/BAL), Hematology (CBC, Urine for RE and Ketone Bodies, Bence Jones Protein, Pregnancy ELISA, Semen Analysis, Body fluid analysis, AEC, ESR, Retics, PS, BT, CT, PT, HbF, Osmotic fragility, Coombs test, Blood grouping, G6PD, BM Cytology, PS for Cytology, etc.), Special staining and chemistry, Cyto Special Staining (AFB/PAS/Mucicaramine), Histo special staining (AFB, PAS, Giemsa, Oil Red O, Masson Trichome, Congo Red, Reticulin, Melanine bleach, Iron stain, Gram’s staining, etc.) and Cytochemistry (MPO/PAS/Sudan Black). Immunohistochemistry (B-cell, T-cell, CD stains, desmin, ER, PR, EMA, NSE, Thyrogobulin, CEA, AFP, etc) is also done.
Clinical Physiology and Other Services
Clinical lab services like EEG, NCV, EMG, and VEP are run by the clinical physiology department. Cytogenetics lab is run by the department of Anatomy. Refraction, Perimetry, Biometry, USG, and Optometry services are provided by Ophthalmology (Laboratory). Audiological tests like PTA, Impedance, ABR, HAT, and other special tests are done by the ENT department.